
Plant medicines must be used with care and typically do not mix with many other substances or certain conditions. Our resources will help you prepare for a traditional dieta and ensure your safety.


Travel Preparation

You must arrive in Pucallpa early the day before the first day of the journey so we can all be together to start our program. You will be picked up from the Pucallpa airport (PCL) when your flight arrives. If you plan to arrive earlier, we can recommend places to stay near us and how to use local transportation.

It is only a one hour flight from Lima to Pucallpa, but flight times do not always align well. Flights from the United States or Europe to Lima can be quite long, may include a time zone difference, and often include a layover, so plan accordingly. We will ask you to sign a retreat waiver form and a declaration of health related to COVID-19. 


Diet Preparation

Diet preparation requires gentle self-discipline. At our retreat, all meals are provided and strictly adhere to diet  restrictions, but before and after is up to you. The more you adhere to the diet, the more you will benefit from  the process. You are preparing your whole self to accept the highest good that the plant medicines can provide. The diet is about more than just food and they physical body – You will be clearing your energetic field. 


4 weeks prior to arrival

  • Pork, aged cheeses, fermented products, pickled, smoked, processed, and fried foods
  • Mind altering substances and psychotropic medications, especially anti-depressants, tranquilizers, all street drugs, and other entheogens 
  • Any other pharmaceuticals that have not been cleared with the interviewers, plus 5htp, tryptophan, and St. John's wort

2 weeks prior to arrival

  • Alcohol and iced drinks
  • Overly ripe bananas, fava and other flat beans, soy and soy products
  • Toxic body products – search for alternative toothpaste, shampoo, etc.

1 week prior to arrival

  • All dairy and red meat
  • Hot chilis and spicy food
  • Nutritional and/or herbal supplements (unless already cleared in your intake call)

3 days prior to arrival

  • Salt, sugar, caffeine, and oils
  • Citrus, papaya, nuts, avocado
  • Sex and self-pleasure

Be mindful of what you feed your mind, whether that be through media or conversation with self and others.  Take a break from the things that distract you from your higher purpose and go inside yourself. 

You are asked to not have sex or practice self-pleasure during this time to ensure your energy is not mixed with  others’ in ways that could interfere with your self-discovery. 


  • Vegetables, eggs, rice, lentils, quinoa, fruits, nuts, fish, chicken, herbal teas
  • Meditation, yoga, salt baths, massage, art, music, rest, and nurturing relationships

Certified organic produce, high quality wild-caught fish, and organic vegetarian-fed chicken are good staples.  Live herbs like basil and coriander can add flavor to your dishes if you cook. Dates and fruits can help fight sugar  cravings but should be consumed in moderation. We support vegan and vegetarian diets as well, though they  are not required. In any case, it can be helpful to research a low-tyramine diet. 

If you are having trouble adhering to or understanding the diet, contact the assistant or facilitator or a  supportive friend or guide. A good tip is to bring containers and bags of your food with you if you leave the  house for long periods of time to limit temptation. Eat very plain meals in restaurants (salad with no dressing or  croutons, or plain steamed fish with no seasoning, for example). Be careful selecting bread or bake it yourself  because it usually contains salt and sugar.