Donate to Madre Selva

Help preserve nearly 100 hectares of primary jungle, protecting wildlife, providing opportunity to local communities, and creating space for people to heal and thrive.

Any donation, small or large, is welcome and appreciated and will help us tremendously.

Your donation helps to preserve nearly 100 hectares of primary jungle, protecting wildlife, providing opportunity to local communities, and creating space for people to heal and thrive. This will be the home for our center, which has been in development for nearly one and a half years. It is quite an expensive endeavor to build a healing center in a remote area of the jungle, but we believe it is well worth the effort and your support will help us achieve our goals.

To be specific we are asking for help to finance: 

  • 1 Maloka 11m with 3 bathrooms for 20 people: $18,000 – The maloka is nearly complete! We need an additional $5,000 to finish the walls and screens. 
  • 10 tambos, each for two guests: $60,000 – We have 5 tambo bases in process! We need an additional $50,000 to complete the process. 
  • 1 Kitchen and group dining area: $10,000 – The kitchen is partially complete! We need an additional $7,000 to refurbish with floors, screens, and better appliances and to furnish the dining area. 
  • Road maintenance and gravel: $5,000 – We have created a dirt road and had it re-flattened since we purchased the land one and a half years ago, but we have not been able to gravel it to prevent the rain from doing continuous damage. We would like to gravel it so it will last longer and we can travel to and from the land more easily. Without the road, the journey is 1-2 hours walking on a challenging trail which is limiting for some guests, and it makes it more challenging to bring supplies. 
  • Salary for workers: $10,000 plus $TBD - 5 people worked for 10 months during the pandemic clearing the space and starting the building. We now have about 15 people working who need support for ongoing salary, accommodation, and supplies. 
  • 2 Water tanks and 1 well: $11,500. 2 Furgón Vehicles, one for cargo and one for passengers: $8,000.

We are very grateful for your consideration!


Moises and Amy are honest and our world is better for their passionate music and healing energies within ceremonial gatherings. I trust them with my life, my family and would recommend anyone seeking gentleness, warmth and healing to come to them - they are true and faithful friends.


My experiences participating in the ceremonies hosted by Moises have been beyond impactful. I went in with many fears but also much hope, and came out embracing my fear and my faith in myself as a powerful and creative human.


Muchas Gracias Moises. Thank you for sharing your healing nature and your divine medicine with this world. Moises, you have the unique ability to see each and everyone’s needs and to make us feel truly important. You are a huge inspiration to your fellow earthlings by being a great leader of love.
