About Madre Selva


How it all started...

The Madre Selva Healing and Arts Center has been a dream in Moises’ mind for more than 20 years and it is now becoming a reality. This dream has danced through the waves of many moments in his life, being influenced and developing along the way. Here we tell you some key events of this history and talk about the future vision for this 100-hectare piece of land near Pucallpa, Peru that came to us at the start of 2020 and will be the home of this Center.

The vision was born when Moises was attending the Usko Ayar Amazonian School of Painting, directed by the legendary Visionary Artist Pablo Amaringo and cofounded by the Colombian Anthropologist Luis Eduardo Luna. One of the values of Usko Ayar was to love nature and to show this love through drawing, portraying its beauty in paintings, music, and other art forms, and finding practical ways to preserve the fragile environment in order to help the conservation of the Amazon and the planet. He was taught to find beauty in his surroundings by noticing trees, plants, animals, rivers, and rain, and by observing and practicing with people doing their ancestral practices. These moments changed Moises’ life because he developed understanding while becoming aware and conscious of the environment. He started to see and appreciate what he saw with the eyes and heart of an artist, loving, respecting, and enjoying every moment in its splendor.

Over the years, these visionary lessons reappeared again and again in continuously stronger form, teaching and preparing Moises for the next steps. A milestone change happened about six years ago in 2014 when he decided to immerse himself more deeply in ancestral practices with entheogenic plants and spirit medicine. He had practiced with these plants for 15 years prior with the intention of self-improvement and finding visions to paint, but answered a call to become a maestro curandero that came in the form of a suggestion from his teacher Don Jose. Plant and spirit medicine healed deep wounds in his physical and emotional body, mind, and spirit, aligning him with the flow of life, igniting his purpose, and helping him to deeply face his own shadows and darkness with acceptance and the desire to grow. He learned that in order to truly recognize the love and light that we are, we must consciously allow the Great Spirit to manifest its love and strength, allowing and receiving abundance of the universe. Understanding more clearly how the laws and values of our great universe operate, he answered the call to serve others while continuing to help himself through these incredible healing modalities.

With the knowledge and acceptance of his new mission to share with others, Moises began traveling the world as an artist, life coach, spiritual leader, and plant medicine practitioner. He connected with so many different souls, always with the desire to inspire them to believe in themselves, find love and creativity, and appreciate jungle conservation. He teaches people to be pure cocreators of their own existence by affecting major change through action and being their own healers.

During this process, Moises found his life partner Amy toward the end of 2017. She had been on a spiritual path of self-improvement for many years and had just started to learn about the shamanistic tools and music that further unite their shared love and dreams. They triggered each other’s remaining wounds and fears to heal their deepest parts, yet committed to crossing this very vulnerable bridge to find balance in life together as man and woman. They have traveled the world together for the last two years, learning, improving, celebrating, and connecting with some of the most amazing people and places they could have hoped to meet. They find value and purpose through this line of life, fueling the flame of inspiration and deepening the intention to help and serve others through the Madre Selva Healing and Art Center.

Moises always says that teamwork makes the dream work, and anyone who is inspired to grow into their full potential and transcend the duality between their human and spiritual experiences on this earth is welcome to join us. We are eternally grateful to all our co-creators, friends, and family for their loving support.

About Moises


Moises was born in Flor de Punga near Iquitos, in the Peruvian Amazon. His parents used their knowledge from this place, the biggest bio pharmacy in the rainforest, to teach him. His mother’s side followed the shamanic tradition and his grandfather, uncle, and cousin are Shamans in the Cocama lineage.


Moises was trained as a visionary artist in Usko Ayar Amazon School of Painting in Pucallpa, Perú by the renowned Shaman and Visionary Artist Pablo Amaringo. This was were the vision of Madre Selva Healing and Art Center was born. Moises learned to find beauty in his surroundings by noticing trees, plants, animals, rivers, and rain, and by observing and practicing with people doing their ancestral practices. This changed his life as he developed a new understanding and awareness of the environment. He started to see with the eyes and heart of an artist, loving, respecting, and enjoying every precious moment of life.


Later on, Moises went to study and practice plant medicine, in addition to his artwork. He was taught by well-respected maestros and curanderos. During this process, Moises found his life partner Amy. She had been on a spiritual path of self development for many years and had just started to learn about the shamanistic tools and music that further unite their shared love and dreams. They find value and purpose through this line of life, fueling the flame of inspiration and deepening the intention to help and serve others through the Madre Selva Healing and Art Center.


Plant and spirit medicine have healed deep wounds in Moises physical and emotional body, mind, and spirit, aligning him with the flow of life, igniting his purpose. Moises answered the call to serve others while continuing to help himself through these sacred healing modalities. Moises intention is to inspire people to awaken their greatest potential by helping them believe in themselves, find love and creativity and become cocreators of their own existence. Moises strive to teach people how to be their own healers and empower them to understand a better way of living in harmony with Mother Nature.

Our team


Moises Llerena Taricuarima

Visionary Artist, Musician, Nature Lover, Life Coach, Alternative Medicine Facilitator



Geographer, Musician, Glass Artist, Nature Lover, Alternative Medicine Assistant

Integration Coach


On-Site Staff

Emilio Llerena Taricuarima

On-Site Staff

David Llerena Taricuarima


Junior Llerena Paredes


Alejandro Llerena Paredes


Estela Llerena Taricuarima


Rosita Llerena Taricuarima


Juanita Llerena Taricuarima


Belisario Llerena Taricuarima

Our approach

Life is a divine gift that should be well-managed in every moment. Our destiny is in our hands. We are the co-creators of our destinies through our alignment between body, mind, emotion, and spirit. We at Madre Selva will not heal you, but we will provide the set, setting, safety, and expertise to guide you while you heal yourself.

Messages from our guests

I’ve known Moises for approximately two years and I loved him from the first second. He is my soul brother and also became a very good friend of mine. Moises showed me the shamanic way of healing and supported me through my own healing processes. During my own healing Moises gave me a deep feeling of being secure. I love his music, his songs and his way of approaching people. Also his painting is wonderful. Moises also introduced me to the jungle and taught me a lot about the master plants. His knowledge is huge and I am happy for everyone who had, has and will have the opportunity to meet him. I am thankful and feel blessed to have Moises in my life.


I want to thank you for your guidance, for your wisdom and for your trust in my ability to stand with my fears and with my mind. I am so grateful for all the insights the mother has given me, for all the pain that has surfaced so that I can work with it instead of hide from it. I have never felt closer to myself and I never grew more into myself and I just want to thank you sooo so so much for your energy and positivity and joy and healing powers. I hope you are well and safe and happy and I wish you calm and peace. Hope to see you soon, lots of love.


The work of Moises and Amy, their love, commitment to the path of tending spirits and the lives of others, and their reverent relationship to nature, has earned my loyalty and deep respect. They are honest and our world is better for their passionate music and healing energies within ceremonial gatherings. I trust them with my life, my family and would recommend anyone seeking gentleness, warmth and healing to come to them - they are true and faithful friends.


My experiences participating in the ceremonies hosted by Moises have been beyond impactful. I went in with many fears but also much hope, and came out embracing my fear and my faith in myself as a powerful and creative human. I felt reconnected to deep parts of spirit that often stay below my surface, giving me the momentum to tap in to those parts of myself that I love but often hide from. Moises is a very warm, creative and fun guide on this journey, becoming a close brother!!! His art inspires, his music makes my soul sing, and his bag of tricks and his ability to speak to my spirit brought me back from some very hard things I was processing, not just helping me get out of my fears, but moving in to them and through them to a place of embracement and power. I am looking forward to when we can connect again.


Muchas Gracias Moises. Thank you for sharing your healing nature and your divine medicine with this world. Moises, you have the unique ability to see each and everyone’s needs and to make us feel truly important. You are a huge inspiration to your fellow earthlings by being a great leader of love. Through the way that you stand firm within your heart’s power, you empower everyone you encounter. Thank you Moises for teaching us how to be our own healers and how to love ourselves awake. Thank you for being a clear vessel for source and for bringing heaven to earth by guiding us back home into our hearts.


Explore Madre Selva